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Updated: Aug 21, 2023

Many moons ago I had the idea to create a video game, a video game using sprites, and artwork from various artists, however the problem with this is that the artwork was never consistent, as it was to use cameos from various video games/anime to fill the characters in the world. With the rise of AI I could very well see my vision complete in my own lifetime, at least a small version of it, yes I can create at least a little island with a visual novel rpg theme. With Chatgpt I can code gamemaker without knowing how to code, with AI I made this fine looking image and it appears as though there is some consistency in the creation process of the program I use, it has been a dream of mine to create a Visual Novel RPG Like Video Game.

Here is an example character who I've taken to name Nomi Tama, her name is an Ainu name meaning 'To Worship The Soul' I love making characters and placing their interactions with one another. I love the creative process that goes into building them, naming them, giving them life, it is something I endeavor to create, and what better way to bring a character to life than through meaningful words. I've written a poem before that made at least 4 people cry. If my poem could do that, how powerful then could a video game be that re-enacts what history and Faith have brought to this world?

Now this does bring into question as a lot of visual novels tend to cater to the more mature audiences whether I will seek to do the same with mine for which all I have to say is this.

A Pyre For The Illuminati Sire


The little Popes, they go out First,

With little teney Boys:

In Frolicks they are full of Gale

And laughing make a Noise.

But, by God's providence, him they catch,

Lighting a lantern, with a struck match!

Illuminating from the darkness

What Forbidden Fruit had unveiled

A stick and a stake

For the Christ Child's sake!

If you won't give me one,

I'll take two,

The better for me,

And the worse for you.

And a jolly good fire to burn the Pope.

I will not be shamed for making Art in an era where thousands of Roman Catholic Priests conspire globally around the world to molest young children and get away with it. When school teachers conspire to tell young impressionable gradeschool boys that they are actually little girls on the inside. We live in an era of pedophilia and if we don't purge evil from our midst we will stand in the midst of Evil. And unlike the Roman Catholic Priest who will molest your son and then shame you for looking at porn. I don't believe Porn or Masturbation to be evil or a sin, and I have some weight on what can or can not be regarded as sinful.

Now that does come to what I want to get out of my Visual Novel Rpg game, and that is to restore a little modesty in the porn industry, people want to feel a connection, and they can substitute that connection artificially through video games. Harvest Moon was a great dating sim, that got me through a rough patch in my childhood. It is therefore my intent to make a game that people can truly treasure their experience in and falling in love with the characters. This is more of a lifelong project that I have in mind, truly I want to create an immense world all by myself. To leave for generations to come. However I can still create a small scenario and expand upon it. My idea was to just start the player off on an island, I could then diminish the workload to create a small portion of it for release. Which is what I have in mind.

The assets to make game creation readily available to the unlearned of the earth like me is only going to improve.

Still workshopping on the name, I was thinking of

Waifu Simpulator: Testament Of Eden


With the rise of AI making it possible to create all of the Assets to a video game like the one I have planned, it means I would be able to monetize my video game, since I would own all the copyrights to the assets.

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