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The Redemptive works of God's grace.

Israel was conceived as a spiritual nation in such a time as when egypt ordained through the marriage of the aryans to the semites that a union of the world should be heralded, to One House with sound theology. And from this, this nation born to one day conquer the world through love, raised its arms in violent rebellion against the authority of Rome, and her people facing extermination as was common of the time, looked towards the Mercy of God reflected in people's hearts for their own salvation, and so created this narrative of the world in need of the salvation that they too needed. To graft the wild olive branches of all the other Noble Houses of the world to the House of Israel, The House Of The Lord to bring about a lasting World Peace. So let us never forget if someone's sin is scarlet, even a nation's perhaps with a little love and forgiveness their souls can be washed clean of the black miasma of the spirit which is hate.

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